Author: Sandra Kim Leong
Home remedies for diarrhea have been used by many generations
and various cultures. Diarrhea can inflict just about anyone.
Many of these home remedies for diarrhea are worth considering,
as they are just as effective. There is really no need for you
to turn to drugs for treatment since home remedies are mostly
natural and can provide relief with fewer or no side effects.
Diarrhea is a means for your body to remove a harmful substance
in a quick manner. You may also experience vomiting and fever
while having diarrhea. Although it is helpful to efficiently
purge the body of the foreign substance, it is important to know
that diarrhea can cause dehydration. Dehydration is very
dangerous, especially for children and senior people. Should you
observe blood or mucus in the stool, there could be a more
serious underlying reason for your digestive complaints.
Although drugs can provide relief, they can have an impact on
the intent of your body to cleanse. Hence, home remedies for
diarrhea which assist your body to naturally cleanse are better
alternatives. Here is a list of some of them:
1. Herbal teas can also help you alleviate your symptoms and to
soothe an upset stomach. Blackberry tea is excellent. Ginger tea
or ginger in capsules helps relieve cramping. A tea brewed with
croton weed leaves is also a great home remedy for diarrhea.
2. Wild oregano oil is antibacterial, anti parasitic, and
antiviral. Hence it can help target the root cause of your
digestive disorder, especially if it is caused by bacteria,
virus, or parasites.
3. Brown rice and toasted whole grain bread are traditional home
remedies for diarrhea that my grandmother used and with good
reason. These foods provide sufficient bulk for the stool, while
giving you some energy.
4. Homeopathic remedies can also help. Homeopathic Arsenicum
enables you to eliminate toxins after eating spoilt food and
also to control diarrhea. Another of the popular home remedies
for diarrhea is cuprum arsenicosum. You would need to take four
charcoal tablets every hour, so as to keep toxins from being
absorbed by the body.
5. Wheatgrass powder is supposedly effective for treating
diarrhea from irritable bowel syndrome. Mix a double or triple
dose in a glass of water. Follow this glass with a glass of
plain water.
6. Ayurvedic home remedies for diarrhea are also known to help.
One recipe is a gruel made from half cup of rice, four cups of
water, half tablespoon of ginger paste, salt to taste, and half
cup pomegranate juice. Mix and cook all ingredients except the
juice. After cooking, add the juice and consume while warm. This
mixture provides hydration and reduces inflammation in the
digestive tract.
7. A recipe that contains several helpful ingredients for
diarrhea comprises of a cup of plain yogurt, a quarter teaspoon
of turmeric powder, and a pinch of salt. Simply add the spices
after warming the yogurt and drink.
8. Drink only non caffeinated and non alcoholic fluids whilst
feeling sick. Skip apple juice however but choose ginger ale and
carrot juice instead.
You can easily reach for kitchen cabinet so that you can prepare
these home remedies for diarrhea. You should, while having
diarrhea, hydrate and flush your body with lots of water.
Electrolytes or minerals are usually lost, in cases of prolonged
diarrhea. Thus, do remember to consume plenty of liquids,
preferably those containing carbohydrates, especially glucose,
and electrolytes such as oral rehydration liquids. In the event
that you continue to experience diarrhea despite taking home
remedies for diarrhea for more than a day or two, then see a
doctor immediately.
About the author:
Sandra Kim Leong writes about the importance of improving bowel
health. She recommends adopting a href="">detox diet to
help relieve digestive diseases. For free research, please sign
up to her newsletter at href="">http://www.Detox-Clean
Monday, October 15, 2007
Home Remedies For Diarrhea Without The Use of Drugs
Posted by
8:56 AM
Labels: herbal teas, home remedies for diarrhea, wheatgrass powder
Friday, October 12, 2007
Important Recalls
I know, this may be weird to talk about, but just so you know, my girl has had a normal bowel movement since I posted that she was having diarrhea and was getting sick. So to recap so you know what to do, As soon as she started showing signs of being sick, I went out and bought her favorite yogurt, and rice krispy treats, and I let her eat as much as she wanted. The next day I saw improvement, and the next day after that she was "healed".
And this is not the first time. This is just the first time that I have documented the results. Anytime she has tried to catch a cold or get diarrhea after her last stint in the hospital, the first thing I have done was give her yogurt. It has not failed me once and I have had to do it... about 3 or 4 times now. I have not had to bring her into see a doctor, no medication with God knows what in it, which brings to mind, I watched Dateline last night, and they said that Triaminic cold and cough, Tylenol cold and cough, and MORE are being pulled from shelves because they have been causing deaths in babies! Well, good thing my kids are still alive then because I already gave it to them when they were babies. Who know what damage it did? It was not only these brands, it included about 14 others, but it was basically any cough and cold medication with antihistamine in it, and it was mainly for the infant dosage, the 2 and unders, so if you have any of those in your cabinet, please don't give it to your babies anymore.
Have you noticed that about medication? That it will be out for a long time and after years and years they will finally decide to tell us it is bad for us? And you know what the company's main concern was when they were talking to dateline? Not losing their "market"... our kids. They said they will lose a small portion of their "market" because of the recall..."babies" We are just a "market" for them. All they really care about is how to make money for themselves and if anybody gets hurt, they will pay us off. What a world we live in.
Posted by
3:41 AM
Labels: diarrhea, medication
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Make Your Own Organic Yogurt Luci Lock Cooking
Posted by
3:45 AM
Labels: homemade organic yogurt, organic yogurt
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
I thought I should let you know that I am still giving my daughter yogurt, and she has not had diarrhea, or a runny nose since my last update. She appears to be normal already. her sickness lasted one day... Now that's better than any antibiotic.
Posted by
7:21 AM
The world of scrapbooking is new to me. My husband just bought me a scrapbook for our anniversary...which is TODAY. We bought a kit because I haven't the slightest idea of how to put one together. So far it is going well. We are going to put in it everything that we have in pictures since we met and married, and our family. There will be sad pictures, and happy pictures, but it will all be nice.
Right now I just have so many pictures everywhere I am just trying to round them up, find out beginning point, and start there. The scrapbookpictured above is ours. It is in Antique style. (I like old style stuff)We got it on sale. They have jaw dropping prices on all your scrapbook supplies here. I will be getting my little extras from there.
Posted by
7:12 AM
Labels: bored, crafts, scrapbooking
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Diarrhea Again
my girl blowing her nose
It used to scare me when my daughter would wake up in the morning, stomach in pain because she had diarrhea. I didn't know what to do. Well now I do as I have told you all about in my previous posts and just as yogurt applies when your kids are on antibiotics, it applies when they are beginning to get sick too.
Yogurt, I believe from what I have seen it do, is far better than any antibiotic, and it's better for you. Its not some man enhanced thing you are putting into your precious one.
Since I have started my now 3 year old on yogurt, she has not had a full blown sickness. She will start to get sick, I immediately up her yogurt intake, and amazingly, she is better sometimes the next day.
She started to get sick again over the weekend. Woke up in the morning with aweful, green diarrhea and a stuffy, runny nose (weird combination), so we ran out right a way and bought her some yogurt, this is what she picked out:
I also picked out some other things that I knew from experience would stop her up fast and that she would enjoy eating, so I picked her up some rice krispy treats too.
To give her some variety, I also got her some Go Gurt Smoothie (princess, of course) She scarfs these down. They come in different flavors and are apparently very tasty :)
Well, I will update you to let you know any changes, but so far, so good. She has not had diarrhea since she started eating all of these things, and the runny nose she was starting disapeared already too... tell me what medication can do that? and safely? I haven't found one yet.
Posted by
2:41 AM
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Something I didn't know
This is awesome. You may already know this, you may not, but I recently discovered that there is the good bacteria, or LIVE AND ACTIVE CULTURE in frozen yogurt. Plus, it is better for you and is low in fat. The only company I have seen at the stores coming out with it is Edys, and I actually like the taste of it better than just regular ice cream, and it is a great alternative. Its really creamy and .... yummy!
This is also great for the folks (like me) that hate yogurt. Promise, it doesn't taste anything like yogurt. It is purely delish. This picture above is the frozen yogurt that I bought. Chocolate vanilla swirl. Find your favorite at, and remember to measure your portions!!!
Posted by
8:48 AM
2 years later

Healthy and happy now