As you know, I have had my daughter on yogurt since she left the hospital at age 1 and it has continued to be an important and regular part of her everyday diet. I couldn't be happier with how healthy she is now.
It never fails; everytime the whole family gets sick (including her), she is the only one that still has energy through it, less severe symptoms, and is sick the shortest amount of time. I used to worry about her every time she would get a sniffle for fear it would be another hospital stay. Now, I can finally say that I'm not scared anymore! She has grown strong and I have yogurt to thank for that.
She loves it and eats a portion of yogurt every day as a snack. I would recommend anyone try it.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Amazing effects of yogurt
Posted by
7:36 PM
Monday, April 7, 2008
Well, since I have gotten my daughter CURED by just giving her yogurt, I have not had much to write about. It has been pretty peaceful in my house since there are no worries about her getting sick. And if she does ever get sick, I know what to do now.
She actually caught a cold twice in a row recently and I was just a little concerned, but just upped her intake of yogurt (which she is happy to eat) and just watched her carefully.
This last cold she had was more nasal, and I tried my best to keep it that way. It was thick and green. I knew she had a sinus infection. I also knew if I took her to the doctor they would give her an antibiotic. Even my phsycologist agreed with me that it should be noted in her chart that she shouldn't have antibiotics if it can be avoided because of her past history!
She did not need a doctor. My girl is almost 4 now, and is old enough to blow her nose really well so I just made sure she did that, and also gave her some non-medicated Little Noses Saline Spray Drops (you can get this anywhere, walmart, grocery stores, or pharmacy).
This is all I did and she was better in about 3 days! No doctor, No potentially harmful antibiotics.
The results speak for themselves.
Posted by
10:59 AM
Monday, March 17, 2008
St. Patrick's Day Punch
I found a really delicious recipe for some green punch to add to your St. Patrick's Day festivities.
It's easy to make, festive, and delicious.
check it out here
Posted by
3:27 AM
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Stress and Food - Simple Change in Your Diet Gives the Strength
Author: Michael Pollak
Have you ever eaten a meal and felt lethargic or kind of blah
afterward? I know I have. For a long time I never knew the power
you get from little changes in your diet. I used to eat a lot of
carbs. You know bread, pasta, cereal, rice, crackers, cookies,
granola bars and such. I didn't think much of it. It was just
the fastest to eat.
Do you know the effect on your body from eating a mostly carb
diet? You have less energy and generally do not feel as good as
you could. Stress is better handled when you have energy and
feel good. You may not even realize that your diet is comprised
mostly of carbs. I know I didn't, until my wife helped me to see
it. This article, hopefully, will help some of you to see it.
This is a start for you feeling better.
I'm not saying you go crazy and cut out all the carbs from your
diet. All you have to do is cut down a little and balance out
your diet. Now, I hope I'm not sounding like your mom. I just
want you to know the wonderful strength you get to handle stress
by lowering your carbs and having a little more protein, a
little more vegetables, and a little more fruit.
Take a look at what you eat during the day and replace a few
carbs with a fruit or protein. I can't tell you enough how much
better I feel when I changed my mostly carb diet to a more
balanced diet. It really isn't that hard either. It just takes a
little effort to change one or two things you eat in a day from
carb to protein, fruit, or vegetable.
Try it out this week. Go to the grocery store and buy a few more
fruits. Bring some with you to work as a snack to give your diet
some balance. It is all too easy to consume too many carbs. Carb
rich foods are usually the quickest to get and eat. Most snacks
fall into the carb category.
Replace one carb food a day with a fruit, vegetable, or protein.
Some examples include: string cheese, yogurt, bananas, and
carrots. Pick things you will really enjoy. Jazz them up with
some dips or dressings (that aren't full of carbs).
This method is guaranteed to have you singing and dancing in no
time. Why? You'll feel so much better and that is strength to
tackle the stress in your life. My goal is to give you all the
help you can get to whip stress in your life and be happy. Use
it and enjoy.
Sincerely, Michael Pollak
About the author:
Click HREF="">> now to get your free copy of my powerful new e-book, no
strings attached. Do you know some of the easiest methods for
effective stress relief? Find out in this exciting e-book. You
don't deserve to suffer from stress. Your happiness is just a
click away.
Posted by
7:09 AM
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Remedy for Urinary Tract Infections- A Natural Vaccine to Kill
Author: Joe Barton
You hear the word everywhere in a hospital. Vaccine! And almost
every vaccine you hear of is synthetically (artificially)
man-made. But is there any natural (made from nature) vaccines
out there?
Yes! Especially, when it comes to urinary tract infections. A
simple href="">remedy for
urinary tract infections has received recent attention after
researchers have found that simple natural acids have been just
as effective as synthetic medications (called antibiotics) which
kill the E coli bacteria just as well as other good body
If you are interested in a healthier (less harsh on your body)
treatment? If you are sick of contributing to the lucrative
pharmaceutical companies? If you are interested in natural
health? Then you might want to consider this href="">remedy for
urinary tract infections because this natural vaccine will
kill the UTI bacteria naturally with no side-effect laden drugs.
How to kill the UTI Bacteria?
It is important to realize that your body is currently at war
with bacteria in your urinary tract. And if you are continuing
to have problems with the infection, your body needs a boost to
allow it to fully kill and prevent the bacteria from returning.
But how do you kill the UTI bacteria naturally?
The href="">Remedy for
Urinary Tract Infection works under the same premise as the
medication. The antibiotic medications work because they do
exactly what their name states. The word 'anti' means 'no' and
'body' means 'life'. The vaccine works to kill the life of the
bacteria. However, the problem occurs when the antibiotic
medication kills the good bacteria too. And if the immune system
isn't strong enough, the medication could cause more harm than
good to the patient.
But the natural remedy for UTI works to kill only the E coli!
How does it do this? Natural health is centered on giving the
body the correct tools to heal itself and allowing the body to
do the work. In most cases, a strong immune system with a simple
flush will do the trick. However, with the natural vaccine you
must add a high concentration of acids to kill the E coli in the
bacteria. The natural acids (found in certain fruits, tablets
and drinks) will create a high toxicity to the bladder for 2-3
hours. In those few hours, the bladder will be naturally
de-toxed. Then, you must flush it out of your urinary tract.
A Natural Vaccine or Cure?
Is the natural href="">remedy for
urinary tract infections a vaccine or a cure? Both! The
remedy works by curing or healing the urinary tract so it is
back to functioning properly. However, the natural remedy also
works as a vaccine because it will also help prevent future UTI
attacks. The remedy will show you how to keep your urinary tract
flushed from bacteria to prevent future problems.
The key to both the natural vaccine and natural cure is keeping
your body flushed and your immune system strong.
Simple Urinary Tract Infection Prevention Tips
Here are some helpful tips for urinary tract infection
1. Drink plenty of fluid to flush bacteria, impurities,
toxins from body. 8-10 tall glasses of water are plenty.
2. Drink unsweetened cranberry juice regularly to
prohibit bacteria from clinging to urinary and digestive tracts.
One glass a day is adequate.
3. Take 250-1000mg of vitamin C per day. Fruits are a
natural and healthy way to do this without taking the tablets.
4. Urinate frequently whenever you have the urge.
Flushing your bladder out regularly will decrease the chance of
another flare-up. (Note: also urinate after intimacy with your
5. Wear loose fitting clothes.
6. Eat less acidic foods and abstain from coffee and
7. Routinely supplement with acidophilus or eat yogurt
several times per week to encourage a healthy supply of 'good'
bacteria in your digestive and urinary systems.
8. Take Vitamin C. Vitamin C will promote a strong and
healthy immune system.
Start Your Treatment Today!
Is your health important to you? It should be one of your main
priorities because with poor health everything else won't seem
to matter.
How can you cure your infection with a simple, effective,
step-by-step href="">Remedy for
Urinary Tract Infection that works in 12 hours flat? Are you
a skeptic? I am too and that is why myself and Dr. Saunders, our
company's natural health doctor, have a 100% guarantee on this
remedy. To learn why Barton Publishing Inc. has revolutionized
the health industry, please visit our website to hear why
thousands have chosen a natural, safe, guaranteed treatment.
for Urinary Tract Infection
Joe Barton has partnered with Dr. Saunders to bring to you a
remedy for urinary tract infections that is effective,
step-by-step and guaranteed. Are you ready for a research-based,
doctor-approved cure? href="">Remedy for
Urinary Tract Infection
About the author:
Joe Barton is the founder of Barton Publishing Inc., a leading
natural health company specializing in publishing cutting edge
reports that show people how to cure and treat themselves using
safe, natural, and proven remedies. Joe has helped thousands of
people enjoy healthier lives through naturally curing urinary
tract infections and much more. For more natural health tips
please check out our blog.
Posted by
2:53 AM
Labels: antibiotics, yogurt
Monday, January 7, 2008
Not just for sick children
This probably comes pretty obvious, but yogurt has not just been beneficial for my young daughter, it has proved to be useful for my sickness-prone husband too.
Recently he came down with the flu (had even received a flu shot this year) and I (in a nice way :) made him start eating yogurt. I also bought him some yogurt ice cream since he is not so fond of yogurt itself.
I let him eat as much of it as he wanted to, and really, he seemed to get better much faster than he usually does.
Even just by the next day he was feeling better!
I also made him eat chicken noodle soup which has actually been scientifically proven to have some kind of healing qualities. (Read this article to learn more!)
and had him drink lots of water, and get as much rest as he could.
No harmful antibiotics!
What are you waiting for? go out there and buy some yogurt, or yogurt ice cream! It's for your own health and your families.
Posted by
8:22 AM
Labels: healthy foods, probiotics, sick kids, yogurt
2 years later

Healthy and happy now