Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Amazing effects of yogurt

As you know, I have had my daughter on yogurt since she left the hospital at age 1 and it has continued to be an important and regular part of her everyday diet. I couldn't be happier with how healthy she is now.

It never fails; everytime the whole family gets sick (including her), she is the only one that still has energy through it, less severe symptoms, and is sick the shortest amount of time. I used to worry about her every time she would get a sniffle for fear it would be another hospital stay. Now, I can finally say that I'm not scared anymore! She has grown strong and I have yogurt to thank for that.

She loves it and eats a portion of yogurt every day as a snack. I would recommend anyone try it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....

2 years later

2 years later
Healthy and happy now