2 weeks ago, my son woke up early crying and holding his ear. I knew what was wrong but of course I asked anyway, "what's wrong baby?" and he cries "my ear hurts!" So I went downstairs to see if I had anything for the pain. I found some Tylenol meltaways for children and gave him a dose of that. 30 minutes later he was calm and said his ear didn't hurt anymore. Since I knew that this was most likely because the Tylenol kicked in, I decided to take him in to see the doctor. They said his ear was slightly red and prescribed Amoxil (antibiotic) to fight the infection.
The day after, his coughing started, but at least he was already started on the antibiotic. I figured he probably caught this cold from me because I had been sick 4 days before he caught it.
1 week later, my daughter started the coughing and the runny nose. I immediately started upping her intake of yogurt (she eats yogurt as a snack everyday anyway, which is the best way to help your immune system). She coughed for a few days and there were a couple times I though I may have to take her in to the doctor, but since she has a bad history with antibiotics, I always make sure that I can't handle it first with yogurt. She didn't get worse, she got better, and her little cough lasted about 5 days and the runny nose lasted only 1.
My son on the other hand was on the antibiotics prescribed by his doctor right away, and he fought his cold for 2 weeks (he did seem like he was getting over it), but 2 days after his antibiotics were used up, he is starting to cough again!
I'm sure you are wondering, "if yogurt works so well for your daughter, why not use it on your son?" I wish it were that easy! :) He is a child that doesn't like the taste of yogurt. My daughter is easy because she eats yogurt like it's her favorite candy! Occasionally, I do buy the Edy's yogurt ice cream which does have yogurt culture in it (talked about in previous posts), but that would get expensive to buy all the time. Certainly though if it works better than antibiotics, it would be worth it.
And I hear on the news they are talking about this "super bug" that is going around", (it has spread into our county where I live). Do you know why they say that this is happening? Because of all of the antibiotics we injest that make the bugs resistant to it! That's why I try to let my kids and I if at all possible, let our bodies fight it ourselves.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Antibiotics vs. yogurt: The test
Posted by
5:30 AM
Labels: antibiotics, ear infections, earaches, super bug
Monday, November 19, 2007
Stop the Runs with Probiotics
Author: Ann Stewart
Diarrhea can show up at the most unsuspected times and places,
often without warning or obvious cause. Yes, there are over the
counter "flow stoppers" available which may work for a while for
some but do nothing to heal the condition.
Some basic causes of this embarrassing
stuck-within-ten-feet-of-the-toilet condition are: stress,
illness, food and water that is contaminated by harmful microbes.
The majority of diseases and infections enter the body through
the bowel. Studies indicate that bacterial imbalances are
associated with irritable bowel syndrome, post-surgical
infections and type 1 diabetes.
It took the medical profession a long time to discover that
antibiotics destroyed the beneficial bacteria as well as the
harmful ones, thus making the body more prone to secondary
The bacteria in your gut have many functions in the body and are
essential to your health. These microorganisms are collectively
called your gut flora, micro flora, or beneficial bacteria and
are estimated to make up about 3 pounds of your body weight.
They fight off harmful microbes (pathogenic bacteria, viruses,
fungi and parasites), which cause disease.
Scientific studies have demonstrated that a lack of healthy
bacteria can be one of the causes that lead to medical problems
such as: food allergies, bacterial vaginosis in pregnancy,
irritable bowel syndrome, urinary tract infections, yeast
infections, intestinal infections, allergies, asthma, genital
infections, elevated blood pressure and cholesterol levels,
recurrent ear and bladder infections, and antibiotic associated
So then, what can you do to ensure that your bowel is armed with
more good bacteria than bad ones? The best way is to take a dose
of friendly microbes, known as probiotics.
"By definition, a probiotic is any substance containing live
organisms that, when ingested, have a beneficial effect on the
host by altering the body's intestinal micro flora," says
physician Robynne Chutkan, Associate Professor of Medicine at
Georgetown University Medical Center in Washington, D.C.
Many probiotics are lactic acid, or milk based, bacteria, such
as lactobacillus or bifidobacterium, but not all probiotics have
the same characteristics and, presumably, not the same efficacy.
Are you lactose intolerant? Well, they reportedly even improve
lactose intolerance! Besides, probiotics are not released in the
stomach but travel through the digestive tract and attach
themselves to the large bowel (gut). After four days of regular
daily intake there are enough probiotics in your gut to start
producing health benefits. Many species of bacteria work
together in the human gut to maintain its normal function.
Known benefits include relief from irritable bowel syndrome,
yeast infections and diarrhea. Furthermore they may improve
bowel function, reduce antibiotic-associated infections, prevent
colon cancer, lower cholesterol and blood pressure, improve
immune function, reduce inflammation, improve mineral
absorption, prevent growth of harmful bacteria, fight off
diseases like candida and eczema, and much more.
The scientific concept behind probiotics is now accepted, but
clinical trial work has only recently started to test the
ability of probiotic preparations to prevent or treat specific
diseases, like gut inflammation, gut infection or cancer.
Prebiotics are non-digestible food ingredients that stimulate
the growth and function of certain good bacteria in the gut.
Similarly, eating foods or supplements containing probiotics
improves the ratio of good bacteria to bad in the gut. Some
foods that are good for your gut health beside yogourt, are
asparagus and leeks. Both prebiotics and probiotics may help
change poor eating habits, heal ulcers, chronic stomach
inflammations and infections of all kinds, including uro-genital
tract, respiratory and childhood bugs acquires in daycare.
Beside all those, they are said to reduce blood lipids (fats),
treat both irritable bowel disease (IBD) and irritable bowel
syndrome (IBS), and traveler's diarrhea. They are also known to
fight off skin infections, tooth decay and periodontal disease!
In conclusion, having a balanced intestinal flora greatly
affects the way you feel, and how healthy and energetic you are.
As well as keeping your intestinal flora in perfect balance,
probiotics also help to keep your intestines clean! The most
common probiotic is Acidophilus, or yogurt. They can be obtained
over the counter in your health store or pharmacy in pill form.
Remember: an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!
All material provided is for informational and educational
purposes only, and is not to be construed as medical advice or
It is of utmost importance that you do your own due diligence.
Consult with your physician or a qualified health professional
on any matters regarding your health and well-being.
About the author:
Ann Stewart, author, inspirational writer and wellness coach,
shares tips on how to fight off disease and feel your best in
her weekly newsletter, href="http://youthmakeover.com">Youth Makeover
Posted by
11:10 AM
Labels: bowel health, diarrhea, how to treat diarrhea
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Reverse the Aging Process with Live Foods
Author: Michelle Honda PhD
As hard as we try, we cannot improve on the foods nature
provides. Vital nourishment is lost through the process of
preserving, pickling, stewing and changing food's natural state.
Devitalized foods cannot build good blood, strong bodies or help
us to maintain a youthful appearance. Disease can develop from
the lack of nutrition in lifeless foods.
Beta-Carotene, for example, is one voracious phytochemical found
in raw yellow and orange fruit and other vegetables. These raw
foods have proven to be beneficial in reducing damage to cells
caused by free radicals. Free radicals work to damage cells,
fueling the aging process through cell mutation and cell death.
One molecule of beta-carotene can kill up to one thousand free
Research is also mounting on alpha lipoic acid. As an
antioxidant, alpha lipoic acid is very powerful. For the past
thirty years throughout Europe it has been used to stabilize
blood sugar in treating diabetes. Dr. James B. LaValle, R.Ph.
CCN, ND and author of Cracking the Metabolic Code, recommends
six hundred to nine hundred milligrams daily as an antioxidant.
Diet is one of the best ways to maintain our youth or reverse
the aging process. The nutrients in raw and whole foods,
accompanied with various supplements, are the chemical elements
used by the body to ward off disease and maintain health. The
combinations of deficiencies of vital nutrients, toxicity from
the environment, and a poor diet contribute to disease. Eating
whole and raw foods may be issues for some people, but for those
who can digest whole foods the benefits are enormous.
People are constantly trying to get life from lifeless food. All
enzymes are destroyed by heat, diminishing the life force in
food. Enzymes are wiped out when temperatures start to reach 118
degrees. Once 140 degrees is reached, enzymes are lost. Our body
produces certain enzymes, but the burden upon our systems would
be greatly lessened with a plentiful supply from our diet. The
body does its best but will eventually fall short without a
replenishing supply.
When the diet is deficient in a particular chemical element
required by a specific organ or gland, our bodies will be
vulnerable to disease. We are only as young as our glands.
Glands need whole foods such as nuts, seeds, sprouts, egg yolk,
and sardines (with the bones), hard cheese, whole grains and
algae. Nuts and seeds are among our most complete foods. They
contain hormone value for both the male and female glands. They
are small but mighty, loaded with glandular elements, vitamins,
minerals and proteins. Almonds are the king of nuts and sesame
seeds are the king of seeds. However, sick people do not handle
cold proteins well. For this reason, nut and seed drinks,
butters, meals and soy milk powders are recommended. Sprouts
contain auxins, a substance which promotes plant growth. A diet
high in sprouts will provide the auxins for cell stimulation and
life force. People from cultures whose diets are plentiful in
sprouts typically retain their youthfulness and vigor well into
their advanced years.
Fiber is another whole food highly recommended for stimulating
peristalsis and moving food along our intestines. Studies show
that when bile acids are retained by fiber the body absorbs less
cholesterol. There is growing evidence that fiber in the diet
will lower your blood fats and may protect against degenerative
diseases such as cancer, atherosclerosis and diabetes. In
addition, case studies show that a patient's blood sugar is not
as high following a meal of high fiber as compared to a meal of
processed low fiber food. Blood sugar is lowered when the fiber
slows down and smoothes out the absorption of sugars from the
Juicing is another excellent source for supplying the body with
live foods rich in nutrients. If you are tired, sluggish or
stressed, fresh juice will give you a boost. Though it may be
better to eat the whole plant, juicing is the next best thing
for those who have difficulty digesting whole foods, raw
vegetables and citrus fruits. Also, the amount one is able to
consume in a day may be an issue. Fruit juice is a great source
of vitamins and vegetable juice is higher in the chemical
elements which build and tone our bodies.
Organic sodium is one of our "youth elements". It is found in
our joints, ligaments and our stomachs. If we want to stay
youthful and pliable, we need organic sodium. The highest form
is found in whey powder, while other sources are goat milk,
celery, okra, most fruits except for citrus, dark leafy
vegetables, fish, black olives, lentils, dulse, barely and
sesame seeds. Organic sodium keeps calcium in solution,
preventing osteoarthritis and cataracts. This beneficial sodium
should not be confused with table salts, which leach the good
organic sodium from our bodies.
Another consideration to maintain our youth is to keep our
bodies alkaline. Our blood pH is highly alkaline: twenty percent
acid and eighty percent alkaline. For optimum health our diet
should match our blood balance. Organs and glands need alkaline
secretions. Essentially, all vegetables and fruit are alkaline
with a few exceptions. Citrus fruit is acid, although lemons
have an alkaline ash. All starch and protein are acid forming
foods. Dairy products are for the most part acidic. However,
yogurt, kefir, buttermilk, raw milk, whey and acidophilus
culture are considered alkaline.
We should also eat a variety of fruits and vegetables when they
are in season and plentiful - all colors of the rainbow. Fruit
is natures' cleanser and meant to be eaten in more abundance
following a long winter season of heavy food. Chlorophyll, the
green juice found in vegetables and plants has the ability to
clean and heal, inside and out. When it comes to our overall
well-being and state of health, we must look to the source from
which the elements in our bodies come. Foods in their natural
state can heal us, feed us and keep us forever young.
Balance throughout the human body is what we seek to sustain in
holistic health. Health is not found in a miracle pill, it is a
way of life. Nutrition rebuilds and regenerates tissue without
poisoning some other part of the body. The right biochemical
elements accelerate health and the reversal process.
About the author:
Dr. Michelle Honda is Holistic Doctor (natural and preventative
medicine) in private practice at Renew You Holistic Health in
Ancaster Ontario Canada. She holds a Ph.D. D.Sc. in holistic
health sciences, holds an advanced nutrition degree, is a Master
Herbalist and an IIPA Certified Iridologist. She is available
via telephone for private consultations. For more details visit
http://www.healingmyfamily.com or ht
Posted by
10:23 AM
Labels: beauty foods, looking young, raw foods, reverse the age process
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Foods to Fight Disease
Author: satyanarayana
When it comes to food, we can't ignore the facts - or the
science. You need a healthy diet for a healthy life.
Research shows a healthy diet could help or prevent a number of
health problems, including cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and
obesity. And that number keeps growing as researchers learn more
about how nutrition affects your health.
What You Should Know
Adopting a disease-fighting diet is easier than you think. When
you shop, choose fruits, vegetables, beans, and whole grains,
such as brown rice and whole-wheat bread. Avoid foods high in
sugar and fat.
Here are some tips for arming yourself against disease with
good-for-you foods:
Follow the Food Guide Pyramid
This guide tells you what foods to include in your diet each
day and in what portions. It shows you how to have a balanced
diet by eating foods from all the basic food groups:
milk, yogurt and cheese (two to three servings; one cup of milk
or yogurt would be one serving)
meat, poultry, fish, dry beans, eggs, and nuts (two to three
servings; one serving would be two eggs, ½ cup of tuna fish, or
about ½ of a skinless, cooked chicken breast)
fruit (two to four servings; one serving would be a medium-sized
apple or banana, ½ cup of canned fruit, or ¼ cup of dried fruit)
vegetable (three to five servings; one serving would be ½ cup of
raw or cooked vegetables or one cup of raw, leafy vegetables,
such as spinach or lettuce)
bread, cereal, rice, and pasta (six to 11 servings; a slice of
bread, ½ bagel or English muffin, or ½ cup of pasta would be a
Think colour
When it comes to fruit and vegetables, eat lots of
deep-coloured produce. Oranges and dark berries, like
blueberries and cranberries, are especially rich in natural
plant chemicals that can protect you against diseases like
cancer and heart disease. Orange and dark green vegetables, such
as carrots, sweet potatoes, and spinach are also rich in these
plant chemicals.
Remember fibre
Eating lots of fruits and vegetables will give your body extra
water and fibre, which will help keep your digestive tract clean
and healthy. Beans, bran, whole-grain breads and brown rice, and
high-fibre cereals are also good sources of fibre.
Make good bacteria your friend
Fermented foods like yogurt are especially good for you as you
get older because they contain "good" bacteria that keep your
digestive tract healthy. Check food labels for these bacteria..
The good bacteria in these foods also fight the bad bacteria
that can enter your body through spoiled food and make you sick.
Eat fatty fish
Your body needs some fats to stay healthy, and the fats found
in fish like salmon and tuna are good for your heart. Fish also
provides a rich source of protein without the large amount of
unhealthy fat you get from red meat.
Try soya
Eating about one to two ounces of soya protein daily can help
lower cholesterol and unhealthy fat in your diet and protect you
from heart disease. You can find many different soya products,
which come from soyabeans, in your food store. The most popular
are tofu, soya milk (in different flavours), soya burgers and
hot dogs, soya ice cream, soya nut butter, and soya flour.
Drink plenty of water
To stay healthy, drink at least eight glasses of water daily.
Pay special attention to drinking enough because your thirst
decision dulls with age, and remember that if you're thirsty,
you're already dehydrated.
Don't abstain if you don't have to
Beer and red wine, in moderation, are another rich source of
plant chemicals. This means no more than one glass of beer or
red wine a day for women, two for men.
Following a healthy diet, along with regular exercise, will
prevent you from gaining weight, which is important for good
health. Losing 10 percent of your body weight, for instance,
could be enough to lower your cholesterol. Choose healthy foods
for a longer and healthier life!
For more information, visit: href="http://godownloads.net/show.php?cat=2&subcat=8">Nutrition
and href="http://godownloads.net/search.php?cat=All&keywords=beauty&S
earch=Search">beauty tips
Thank you______ satyanarayana
e Books downloads
href="http://www.godownloads.net/show.php?cat=9&subcat=6">Love &
Romance Tips
Health &
Fitness Tips
About the author:
Posted by
4:49 AM
Labels: disease fighting food, healthy diet, preventing health problems
Monday, November 5, 2007
Good Bacteria: How Probiotics Can Boost Your Internal Health
Author: Brenda Skidmore
Many medical health care professionals claim antibiotics to be
'the lifesaving drugs' of the twentieth century. No doubt,
antibiotics are the most widely used and the most talked about
class of drugs ever used, on the vast majority of people and
animals, across the globe. What does the term antibiotics
actually mean though?
Here is Wikipedia's definition of the word term meaning for
antibiotic. An antibiotic is a chemotherapeutic agent that
inhibits or abolishes the growth of micro-organisms, such as
bacteria, fungi, or protozoans. Antibiotic is now used to refer
to substances with anti-bacterial, anti-fungi, or
anti-parasitical activity.
Antibiotic's widespread overuse has recently been questioned
over the last decade, by many concerned health care experts, due
to their apparent, and oftentimes, ineffectiveness. And, many
health care scientists are also beginning to recognize the fact
that, unfortunately, not all the bacteria that dwells inside our
bodies aim to harm us.
Antibiotics do perform a sometimes useful function in killing
off large numbers of harmful bacteria in our bodies that can
lead to life threatening infections. It is a self sacrificing
trade-off, however, as there is no discrimination between the
chemotherapeutic killing off of all bacteria, whether it be good
or bad germs, in the gastrointestinal tract.
Since the 1940's, modern medicine has mainly focused on the
killing off of harmful disease causing bacteria via newly
discovered antibiotics. This practice came about with not much
understanding of the role, in the advantages, that good
micro-organisms (bacteria) played in maintaining good health.
Good bacteria (probiotics), is a modern new term used to
describe live, beneficial organisms (bacteria) which, when taken
in adequate and consistent amounts, offers many different health
benefits to the host. Two very subtle improvements are often
noticed right away, in a stronger immune system and a healthier
digestive tract.
"Probiotics is not a fad," says Gary Huffnagle, an immunologist
at the University of Michigan and author of "The Probiotics
Revolution." It is really is a new scientific understanding
about how the body works."
Do an internet search on the word term 'probiotics' and you will
find that there has definitely been a shift, now days, in the
way medical scientists think about bacteria (germs). It is
finally getting a much deserved, more focused awareness and
attention than ever before.
Probiotics have been found to aid with the absorption of
nutrients, production of vitamin K, and helps with the necessary
and balanced maintenance of good bacteria in the intestines.
They are also believed to inhibit the overgrowth of disease
causing harmful bacteria, by crowding them out. Probiotics can
be the most helpful to those who have just recently taken
antibiotics, by re-establishing colonies of good bacteria in the
gastrointestinal tract which, sometimes, can be quite difficult
to do.
The best sources of good bacteria (probiotics) comes from
fermented foods, beverages, or supplements. Probiotic
supplements are available in many health food stores either in
capsules, powders, or liquid forms. And, while many nutritional
experts agree that most of us would benefit in some way from a
daily dose of probiotics, learning how to ferment your own foods
or beverages at home is a more superior source of good bacteria
nutrition. Not all probiotic supplements can necessarily be
trusted to deliver what they say they can.
Besides, learning to ferment your own food and beverages at home
can be a healthy, fun, and nutritious hobby. Most experts on
this subject will agree, that anything you can easily make at
home is far better for you than any commercialized product that
you could buy. The reasoning behind this idea, is that you will
have more control over the whole process in what you are
ingesting, and you also have the option of buying the most
natural ingredients to use for the end product.
Here is a small list (there are many more that are not listed)
of different types of fermented foods and beverages:
1.yogurt 2.aged cheeses 3.kefir 4.kombucha 5.pickles and olives
6.sauerkraut 7.sourdough bread 8.soy sauce 9.vinegar
Studies have shown that good bacteria can help protect us from
diarrhea, colitis, urinary tract infections, irratable bowel
syndrome, and Chron's disease. Probiotics may also help treat
kidney infections and stones, ulcers, and allergies. Some even
argue that good bacteria can help protect us from cancer, colds
and flu, and help lower cholesterol.
All-in-all, probiotics have been reported to help many different
health conditions, from diabetes to migraine headaches. And to
think, that as a culture, we have been overly obsessed with
killing germs all around us by bleaching and soap washing
everything in sight.
We are just now beginning to understand that there are certain
types of germs, or bacteria, that are actually good for us, and
they are our friends. Will our awareness of this knowledge
benefit human health in the long term, I believe so.
About the author:
Brenda Skidmore has spent the last four plus years actively
researching natural health care alternatives. She can attest to
the many positive results natural practical cures and preventive
strategies bring to human health. Along with the many medical
professionals whose public works she has studied, it is her
sincere desire to empower others by sharing this important
information. To improve your health today visit:
Posted by
4:12 AM
Labels: antibacterial, antibiotics, fungi, green ways to stay healthy, modern medicine, probiotics
Friday, November 2, 2007
The Perfect Antioxidant to Enhance Your Immune System
Author: Michelle Honda PhD
All aspects of our lives impact the immune system. This
brilliantly orchestrated system eliminates and fights off attack
from many different invaders throughout the body. Raising the
integrity of this system will ensure the future health of those
already well, lessen the frequency of infections, speed up
recovery time from illness and improve chronic disease.
As with optimizing our health, strengthening the immune system
is achieved through diet, lifestyle, exercise, rest and
attitude. Symptoms of immune weakness include fatigue, recurring
colds, lingering illness, weakness and weight loss. Relaxation
will enhance your immune system, where as negative thinking,
anger and resentments are toxic to the mind. We may be poor in
spirit as in health.
Firstly, recognize the importance of adequate sleep - eight
hours for a normal non-stressed person. And for those with
serious aliments, ten hours or more are needed daily to
rejuvenate the immune system. Turn the TV off before sleeping
and do not eat late or do vigorous exercise before bed.
Relaxation techniques like yoga, deep breathing, or meditative
audio tapes prepare the body and mind for rest.
Numerous studies show antioxidants to be preventive and
therapeutic for health problems from diabetes and cancer to
general deterioration of the body. We are constantly exposed to
free radicals with every breath we take and every chemical we
eat. Scientists estimate that each cell takes about 10,000 free
radical hits per day from air and car pollution, alcohol,
cigarettes, food additives, caffeine, heavy metals, medications
and unnecessary drugs. Antioxidants are our best friend. They
keep free radicals in check before they can impair our immune
system and damage our cells.
Proclaimed as the near perfect antioxidant, Alpha Lipoic Acid, a
vitamin like substance was first discovered in 1930's but wasn't
until 1988 when research saw its potential. This unique
antioxidant has a number of benefits from extending the life of
other antioxidants to being at home in both water and lipid
environments where it devours free radicals. Alpha lipoic acid
easily crosses cell membranes and once inside the cell becomes
an even stronger antioxidant. It also plays a key role in many
enzyme systems.
For the past thirty years throughout Europe, it has been used to
stabilize blood sugar in treating diabetes. Dr. James B.
Lavalle, R.Ph., CCN, ND and author of Cracking the Metabolic
Code, recommends six hundred to nine hundred milligrams daily as
an antioxidant. Other conditions which can benefit from alpha
lipoic acid are cataract prevention and neuropathy where by
improves nerve blood flow and regenerates nerve fibres. It also
increases Glutamate, an important liver enzyme. Alpha lipoic
acid can even help convert the food we eat into energy.
Selenium, vitamin E and C are other antioxidant heavy weights.
When taken together they become synergistic, enhancing their
ability to remove heavy metals and detox the body. These work
wonderfully as a team to destroy free radicals, protect the
heart and improve circulation. Free radicals work to damage
cells, fueling the aging process through cell mutation and cell
death. Selenium and vitamin E bind to toxic metals, such as
cadmium, mercury, silver and thallium and removes them out of
the body.
Carotenoids, including beta-carotene, lutein and lycopene are
powerful antioxidants. All of these and more stimulate the
natural killer cell activity and antibody response, whereby
reportedly protecting against different forms of cancer.
Beta-carotene, for example is found in yellow and orange fruits
and vegetables. One molecule of this voracious phyto-chemical
can destroy up to a thousand free radicals.
We may not have control over the vast number of pollutants in
our environment, but we can avoid many other chemicals over
which we do have control. Alcohol depletes antioxidants, along
with B vitamins, C and zinc. Antibiotics impair white blood cell
function and disrupts bowel flora. Caffeine, like alcohol is a
diuretic which leaches vital nutrients from our bodies.
Nutrition is one of our most powerful allies. Being our primary
nutrient source, it impacts how we think, how susceptible we are
to disease, and how well we recover from illness. A balanced
diet consists of a full range of nutrients necessary to nourish
all our cells and tissues. When the diet is deficient in a
particular chemical element required by a specific organ or
gland, our bodies will be vulnerable to disease. The immune
system responds quickly when given the essential nutrients
needed to keep this complex system strong.
Vitamin C assists the thymus gland to produce T cells. Rich
sources include all fresh fruits and vegetables. Zinc is needed
for T cell production, often deficient in the diet. Zinc is
abundant in nuts and seeds, particularly raw pumpkin seeds and
brazil nuts, whole grains and leafy green vegetables. The
essential fatty acids (EFA's) found in cold pressed oils like
flax seed oil, walnut oil, evening primrose oil and salmon oil
contain linoleic acids, vital in many metabolic functions.
Probiotics, "lactobacillus acidophilus" known as friendly flora
play an essential role in our defense system. Supplement your
diet with fresh, plain yogurt, kefir or the freeze dried capsule
To lighten up the load on the lymph system and boost immunity,
decrease dairy, protein, starches and sugars. Increase your
daily intake of whole grains - consider all colours of the
rainbow when buying fruits and vegetables. Eat more raw foods.
Exercise and sunshine will strengthen your immune system. Get
out and enjoy any form of recreational activity that brightens
your mood. The way we think will affect how we feel, even look.
Feelings of gratitude will transmit happiness and contentment.
Balance throughout the human body is what we seek to sustain in
holistic health. Health is not found in a miracle pill, it is a
way of life. Nutrition rebuilds and regenerates tissue without
poisoning some other part of the body. The right biochemical
elements accelerate health and the reversal process.
About the author:
Dr. Michelle Honda is Holistic Doctor (natural and preventative
medicine) in private practice at Renew You Holistic Health in
Ancaster Ontario Canada. She holds a Ph.D. D.Sc. in holistic
health sciences, holds an advanced nutrition degree, is a Master
Herbalist and an IIPA Certified Iridologist. She is available
via telephone for private consultations. For more details visit
http://www.healingmyfamily.com or ht
Posted by
3:52 AM
Labels: antioxidants, childs immune system, immune weakness
2 years later

Healthy and happy now